Find a matching element in a list and move to first: A journey from a novice JavaScript to an…Here’s the problem we’re trying to solve. We have an array of users as follow:Jan 14, 202263Jan 14, 202263
Securely store and access secrets in Azure KeyVault from Docker-based App ServiceStoring secrets such as database passwords, API keys, tokens, et cetera in .env files or appsettings.json or similar config files are not…Aug 27, 20212092Aug 27, 20212092
Learn Xamarin.Forms Control Template by making a Button with built-in Loading Indicator in 4 stepsIn Xamarin.Forms, Control Template offers a powerful way to build a template. The template is built by composing smaller parts. But…Nov 3, 202011Nov 3, 202011
Accelerating to delivery: Quickly build an Admin Panel or Dashboard-like app using ReactJS and…Part IApr 3, 202073Apr 3, 202073
Correctly capture iOS 13 Device Token in XamarinCapturing the Device Tokens is necessary for push notification to work. A Device Token is nothing but an ID that uniquely identifies a…Oct 24, 2019143Oct 24, 2019143
Build an iOS front end to verify a numeric code using RxSwiftThere are use cases, commonly related with passwordless authentication or second-factor authentication where iOS users are required to…Nov 13, 201818Nov 13, 201818
Everything you need to know to write, debug, deploy and monitor Azure FunctionsStep by step guide using a light weight approachNov 1, 2018482Nov 1, 2018482
Securing C#/.NET WebAPI with public-private-key-signed JWTs signed by NodeJSThis article was cross-posted on dev.toApr 27, 2018752Apr 27, 2018752
A small gotcha with NodeJS Application settings on Azure that can surprise youThe following code runs perfectly fine on a NodeJS server that’s hosted outside of Azure App Services:Oct 6, 20175Oct 6, 20175
Everything you need to know to run a Xamarin app on an iPhone from Debug to Release builds to…You might find this article helpful if you work on Xamarin Forms in a situation similar to the one I’m about to describe. You have no…May 25, 20171184May 25, 20171184
Creating a Non-Expiring Password Policy in Azure Active DirectoryThere’s no direct way in Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) to create a Non-Expiring Password Policy for a domain. There’s a PowerShell…May 15, 201721May 15, 201721
Difference between flatMap and switchMap explained, without wordsflatMapMar 31, 20173563Mar 31, 20173563
Comprehensive routing and navigation in React Native made easyFor both iOS and AndroidMar 11, 20173039Mar 11, 20173039
Just some notes on Swift closuresThe most common used example to illustrate Closures is the adder as follow:Dec 4, 20163Dec 4, 20163
Use flatMap to validate JWTs issued by Azure Active DiectoryBy flatMap, I actually mean RxJS. flatMap does play a big role though.Oct 23, 20161Oct 23, 20161
Explore Android MVVM-styleAndroid Data Binding Library is a support library that supports all Android platform versions back to Android 2.1 (API level 7+ ). It also…Aug 10, 2016372Aug 10, 2016372
Buttons with image and StackLayout in Xamarin.Forms AppsHere’s what we’re going to build with Xamarin Forms:May 28, 2016951May 28, 2016951
Continuous deployment Xamarin Forms apps with Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) and HockeyAppConceptually, continuous deployment with VSTS and HockeyApp sounds like an easy task to do. But there are details that if you don’t know or…May 19, 20161May 19, 20161